Episode 6: Why am I so tired...? What's driving your fatigue and what to do about it.
If your energy is good… everything is better! Fatigue is the #1 complaint I hear from women is often one of the easiest things to improve. If we have more energy, we feel more motivated, we move more, we make better food choices, so our digestion is better, and on it goes. Today I chat about simple steps you can take to turn your energy around… and why it goes against what a lot of popular diets are doing! HINT… diets don’t work!!!
The Hormone Hub podcast is the perfect way for me to reach more women, I’ll always tell you how it is and we can have the conversations you’re yet to have with your friends! …and I get to do something I love, which is to have a chat!
You don’t want to miss:
- #1 complaint I hear from women in their 40’s and 50’s is their lack of energy. Energy is precious – if you have lots of energy – life is good, you can get on with the things you need to do and have plenty left over to do the things you enjoy.
- Are popular diets like fasting and low carb or keto helping your energy…or not?
- Why giving up coffee (or at least having it mid morning) will do wonders for your energy levels.
PLUS, insights into upcoming episodes and why you’ll want to subscribe and share with your friends so you don’t miss a thing!
Links and resources:
Read my blog post – 10 things that are draining your energy
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[00:00:00] Welcome to the hormone hub, your go-to source for the conversations every woman in her forties and fifties needs to have. I’m your host, Kylie Pinwill, your nutritionist helping you navigate your way through perimenopause, menopause and beyond. So you can say goodbye to the endless fatigue, unexplained weight gain, hot flushes, PMS, mood changes, and more that come on this hormonal roller coaster. If you missed the memo or think this is only for women of a certain age ladies, it’s time to think again. Now sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Don’t forget to hit subscribe so you don’t miss any of my latest episodes, which are released every week. Share it with your friends, your sweaty sisters.
The more we talk, the more we help each other.
Hello, and welcome back to the hormone hub. It’s Kylie here, your host, and I’m really excited today to talk to you about, you know, why are we feeling so tired all the [00:01:00] time? I’ve been there, I know what it’s like. So, you know, this is probably the number one complaint I hear from women who are in their forties, their fifties, all the time.
And it’s their lack of energy. There’s no question that as our hormones shift and change the way our body responds changes dramatically. So managing my energy levels is something that I’m always really conscious of. And it’s built into my daily habits. I need to be looking after myself, looking after my energy, because energy is really precious.
If we’ve got lots of energy, life is good. You know, you can get on and do the things that you need to do and have plenty of energy leftover to do the things you enjoy. And so many women I speak with, and I think, you know, women in general have this extraordinary capacity just to push through, you know, we push through, we get done what needs to be done, you know?
And then we’re dead on the lounge, you know, there’s nothing left. So this isn’t living. [00:02:00] This is surviving. So you know what we want, we want those energy reserves to still be able to do the things you enjoy. So for exercise, for catching up with friends, for wanting to go out, for new hobbies, you know, not just crashing on the couch and snoring through another Netflix series.
So if you’ve got more energy, you’re more motivated. If you’re more motivated, you’re moving more, you’re doing more things that light you up, that bring you joy. And also, you know, it’s got a knock on effect of you making better food choices because you feel good. And it’s, it’s when we’re tired and when we can’t be bothered, this is where we tend to, you know, go for the easy option.
And generally we’re looking for sugary carby things just to pick us up as well. So can’t wait to jump into today’s episode. So first up, let’s have a look at what we’re eating. Okay. So most women I speak with, you know, tell me that they’re eating really healthily or, you know, they’re trying to, and for the [00:03:00] most part, this is true, you know, we’re all, you know, we’re all intelligent women, right?
We all know what healthy eating looks like. So whether or not we do it is a whole other thing, but the key is being consistent, you know? So when we’ve got this all or nothing approach, it’s going to sap our energy and it’s also going to mess with our weight as well. So we need to find like the right balance of food.
Okay. So first up, I’m going to start with water. You know, really, really simple. If you do one thing, ladies drink more water. Our brain needs water, our cells need water. And even if we’re just slightly dehydrated, this can impact our energy levels big time. All right. So we want to be aiming for two liters a day.
So this can include, you know, straight water. Ideally it’s filtered. It could include mineral water. You can put lemon in it, lime in it, raspberries, cucumber mint, you know, there’s so many ways we can jazz up a glass of water to stay [00:04:00] hydrated, we can include herbal teas. Again, we can have them hot.
We can have them cold, you know, on over a glass of ice. And for the record hydration, doesn’t include coffee and wine. Okay. I see you over there. I know what you’re up to. Sorry, that does not count. Okay. So next up we need fiber. All right. So we need fiber from veggies, from plants, you know, fruits. This gives us so many nutrients.
It gives us the vitamins, the minerals, the antioxidants, the phytochemicals that our body needs to be well and stay well. Okay. So the more colours the better. So go for green, purple, red, orange, you know, have a look at your next meal. If you’re eating a plate of brown food, we need to step it up a notch. Okay. So the next thing you know, with what to eat to support our energy levels is protein. So we want to have a look at, you know, quality protein. So this can be animal based, or it can be [00:05:00] plant-based. Now, if you’re, you know, traditionally low in iron, or if you do follow a plant-based diet, you know, you can still do that in a healthy way. You just need to work a bit harder at making sure you’re getting the key nutrients, things like iron, B12, zinc. They all help support our energy levels and they all, coincidentally come from animal products. Now, if you are not eating meat, for whatever reason, you know, you can, like I said, you can get those nutrients from plants. You do need to be, you know, work a bit harder, a good compromise if you’re up for it is eggs, you know? Cause you’re still getting those nutrients from eggs. Okay, so healthy fats. You know, we were all dragged through the eighties, through the nineties. Fats were bad, blah, blah, blah. But actually, you know, they’re not really. What we want to do, if you think of, you know, healthy fats are the fats that occur naturally in nature.
So [00:06:00] things like avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oils, nut oils, all of those good things. So they’re all giving us nutrients. They all occur naturally, you know, small amounts of, you know, good quality animal fats. I mean, I hear some of the keto nuts, you know, rabbiting on about, oh yeah. I can eat bacon and sausages and…not really, you know, think of the quality.
So in animal fats, like toxins are stored in the animal fat. Okay. So likewise on our body, you know, we store our toxins in our fat. So if we’re loading up on animal fat, we want to make sure that that animal is either ideally organic or at the very least free range. You know, we want to make sure that we’re just not consuming the fats from, you know, animals that are storing your toxins. Okay. That’s what they forget to tell you over in keto land. All right. So the next, [00:07:00] you know, for your energy is we want to make sure you’re eating the right kind of carbs. So if you’re feeling tired, if you’re feeling exhausted, if you’ve got any kind of adrenal or thyroid issue going on, you do need to eat carbs.
But they do need to be the right kind. Okay. So we ideally want them from plants, not from packets. Okay. So plant based carbs are things like your sweet potato, you potato, for the love of all things, potato it’s, what’s wrong with the potato poor little guys. They’re perfect portion size, nuggets of goodness. Go for the potatoes ladies, brown rice, quinoa, you know, you’ve got to find what works for you, but there’s nothing wrong with those type of carbs, where we come, unstuck is the packet based carbs. So if you think of things like breads, pastas, biscuits, sugars, you know, things that are kind of so far from it’s a natural source, you know, they’re the carbs that we don’t need.
Okay. [00:08:00] So if we think of protein and fats together, as like the anchor for our blood sugar, it’s going to stop those sugar highs, sugar lows, it’s going to, you know, help stop those cravings, because when our blood sugar’s stable, our energy levels are more stable and hello, so are our moods as well. So it’s going to stop that up and down.
And ladies, if you’re not including protein at breakfast, you need to up your game. All right. So think of, so many women I speak to don’t eat breakfast. So if you’re low in energy, I want you to think about how can you start eating breakfast? Okay. So think of including, you know, eggs, great start. Smoked salmon, chia pudding, nuts and seeds on top of your porridge or on top of your, you know, fruit and yogurt.
You know, yogurt, natural Greek, full fat yogurt is perfect. Okay. So now that we’ve kind of covered the basics, this sort of brings [00:09:00] me to, you know, the concept of fasting and whether or not you’re actually eating enough. So you’re going to hear me come back to this time and time again, the old chestnut of, you know, eat less, exercise more to lose weight.
Okay. Let me tell you, that went out with your straight leg jeans from the nineties girls, time to let it go. It is doing you more harm than good. Okay. So, so many women I speak to, you know, skip breakfast. Now there are a lot of benefits of fasting, but one thing I want you to know is all of the research that’s been done on fasting is done on men.
Okay. So men have a very different hormonal structure to women. Okay. We are not small men. We are entirely different, more complex beings. Okay. So when we’re fasting in the morning or, you know, we’re only having coffee, this is going to increase our stress response. It’s going to tell our body to store fat [00:10:00] because our body thinks that we’re under threat.
And this is why fasting for so many women backfires. Okay. There are smarter ways for women to get the benefits of fasting and that’s a whole other future podcast. So, but for right now. Let me tell you that skipping breakfast and only surviving on coffee until lunch is not the answer. Okay. So like I said, coffee sort of sets off our stress response.
Um, you know, it fires off our adrenaline and in women, our cortisol levels, which is our other stress hormone is highest first thing in the morning. So if we’re not eating breakfast and we’re only having coffee, it’s like throwing petrol on a fire, you know, we’ve got that high stress response. We’re throwing, you know, more stimulants at it and, you know, we are sort of like surviving, that’s all our body’s got to fuel itself on until lunchtime.
So when I work with ladies inside the well-balanced woman program without fail [00:11:00] every single time we introduce a balanced breakfast, we see massive improvements in the energy levels and over time also that weight loss or a change in their body composition. And you know, some of these ladies haven’t eaten breakfast for 20 years.
Okay. So it doesn’t have to be a huge quantity of food or it doesn’t have to be over complicated. You know, a bowl of yogurt with a piece of fruit and some handful of nuts, you know, but it makes an enormous difference to the way your body responds to stress and, you know, your energy levels. Okay. So if you’re feeling tired, I want you to check in with, you know, where you’re at, what are you eating and, you know, ask yourself, is it balanced?
You’re like all of those elements that I just talked about, you know, your fiber, your protein, your fat, your carbs. Are you getting that balance there? And are you eating enough? All right. So remember ladies food before coffee. Always. [00:12:00] All right. And the other thing is, you know, are we actually eating enough food through the day?
All right. So, so many of us who were introduced to dieting in the eighties and nineties, we were told to eat less, restrict our calories, you know, eat 1200 calories a day. All right. Let me tell you, you just aren’t eating enough. So it is no wonder that you’re tired. Okay. So check in with your meals, make sure every meal – are you having fruit and veggies, are you having protein, are you having healthy fats, you know, at breakfast and lunch and dinner.
This hormone hub episode is sponsored by my weight loss wisdom program. Weight loss wisdom is an effective rapid, fast weight loss program designed to help you shift stubborn body fat, lose unwanted kilos, and most importantly, give you a proven system to keep it off. No more yoyo dieting on my watch! Specifically created for women in their forties and fifties [00:13:00] who are going through perimenopause and menopause, we target hormonal weight gain so you’ll feel happier in your own skin and give you the confidence to walk back into your wardrobe and know your clothes are gonna feel great. You don’t have to do this alone. You’re supported every step of the way with our team of qualified nutritionists. The link with all the details is over in our show notes, or you can find it at kyliepinwill.com/weightlosswisdom.
Okay, so the next thing I want to cover. If you’re low in energy, I need you to move your body. Okay. So this might sound counter intuitive, but if you’re feeling flat and tired, you need to move. All right. So this could be as little, if you’re not used to exercise or you’ve been doing nothing for a while. It could be a 10 minute walk around the block.
And if you’re having an afternoon slump, it could be, you know, something like stretching, getting up, you know, moving your body, stretching out your [00:14:00] arms and your legs. It could be pilates. It could be yoga. It could be walking, it could be swimming. You know, there’s so many online options that you’ve really got no, no excuse. Okay. So the type of exercise that you do, doesn’t really matter. The best exercise is the one that you actually do and do it regularly. So on a daily basis, you’ve got to move your body for at least half an hour. You know? So when we move our body, it gets our blood flowing. It gets oxygen into our cells.
It releases our happy, feel-good endorphins. If your, you know, one of my constipated ladies it helps get your digestive system moving, if you’re bloated, it helps food move through your body. Okay. So if you can spend 10 minutes on the couch scrolling through social media and we are all guilty of that, we can definitely afford to spend 10 to 20 minutes a day outside walking.
[00:15:00] All right. So I highly encourage you to pop your headphones on and listen to me, listen to the podcast. What else? What more could you want? You’ll thank me later. All right. So check in after you’ve been for a walk, check in with how you make, how it makes you feel, you know, you know, it’s the right kind of movement if you’re feeling energized afterwards.
Okay. So I get asked all the time, you know, do I need to do bootcamp, do I need to do high intensity and you know what if these high-intensity bootcamp type of exercise first thing in the morning leaves you feeling on top of the world for the rest of the day. Fantastic. It’s great. You know, there is absolutely nothing wrong.
We’ve, you know, those type of workouts. Personally love it. But if it is, you’re doing it, if you pushing yourself through and it leaves you exhausted and needing a Nana nap later on in the day, And actually, can we just rename the Nana nap to a Glamour Nap because sometimes you know, [00:16:00] who doesn’t need a glamour nap.
Right. But you know, if you’re crashing on the couch, it’s not the right exercise for you for your body right now. Okay. So give yourself a break. Take a few weeks off, give your body a chance to rest and recharge. Okay. So it doesn’t mean that your bootcamp days are done. It just means that, you know, you might need a break or drop it back to one to two high intensity sessions a week, you know, you don’t have to make every session a go hard, go home kind of session.
So if our energy isn’t great. Don’t push through it. It’s going to deplete you and leave you feeling exhausted. Okay. So when it comes to exercise, listen to your body, move your body on a daily basis, but move it in a way that leaves you feeling energized and restored. You know, not exhausted and depleted.
Okay. And now if exercise, isn’t your thing. I want you to reframe it. Okay. So instead of exercise, cause for a lot of women, [00:17:00] there’s just this automatic no, don’t do that. Let’s reframe it. Let’s call it movement. Okay. I want you to move your body. So if all you can manage right now is to lie on the floor and stretch.
Then do that, you know, it just move it and feel it and stretch, feel your muscles. Okay. So the thing, the key thing to remember is our 40, 50 plus year old body, it responds very differently to, you know, the way it did in our twenties and thirties. Okay. So just because something is popular and trendy right now, it’s, you know, popping up in your Facebook feed left right and center doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for you.
So I encourage you to nourish your body, listen to what it’s trying to tell you and to move it. All right. So just to sort of like circle back, if your energy is good, everything is better. Okay. So fatigue is, you know, [00:18:00] something, like I said, it’s the number one thing I hear from women. And often it’s the easiest thing to improve.
If we have more energy, we feel more motivated. We move more. We make better food choices. Our digestion is better and on it goes. So three simple things to check in with. So one have a look at how you’ve nourishing your body. Are you eating a good variety of colors, including protein, fats, and start with number one more water.
Okay. Next thing, are you fueling your body with enough food? Okay. So think of it this way. You can’t jump in your car and drive from Sydney to Melbourne on an empty tank and go, oh no, you know what? It’s okay. I’m not going to fill up the car until I get to Canberra. Alright, so how’s that going to work? All right.
It doesn’t. You need to fuel your body to get it to do the things you want to do. Okay. So stop, stop these long fasts, super tired and number three, move your body. So [00:19:00] any way that feels good and leaves you feeling good, not exhausted afterwards. Okay. So today I’ve given you a few simple steps you can take to turn your energy around and why it goes against what a lot of the popular diets are doing.
Big hint here ladies, diets don’t work. All right. So I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Can’t wait to talk to you next week.
Thank you for taking the time to listen today. You can head on over to the show notes at kyliepinwill.com/podcast where you’ll find all the links. And I have a little bonus surprise waiting for you. Before we go, it would mean the world to me if you head on over to your favorite podcast channel, subscribe and leave a review.
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